College essentials under $50 to keep safe, healthy, and clean

College essentials under $50 to keep safe, healthy, and clean

One of the frequently asked questions from new international students is how can they receive packages or items before their arrival. New students would also like to know what are college essentials items to keep a safe, healthy and clean college life.

To answer these questions, this blog post will introduce college essentials that university students can buy for under $50 not only to keep themselves safe, healthy, and hygienic but to improve their study abroad experiences.

The price is based on what is offered at the moment of writing and it is subject to change but all of the college essentials are under $50 except a few electronics just to give readers more options.

All of the items in this blog post can be ordered online.

On-campus students who are going to live in residential buildings on campus will have to check if they can receive packages during the quarantine or/and from when they can start receiving packages. More details will be explained below.

Off-campus students can simply order online and have them shipped to their doorsteps.

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How to receive items on campus before arrival?

If you need to go through quarantine

Depending on the school policy, some students will be located in their own rooms to quarantine and continue to live in the same room after the quarantine.

Some students will be located in different buildings for quarantine and will move to their rooms after they get tested negative.

Therefore it is important to know your institutional policy on the on-campus quarantine.

If the designated place for your quarantine is the same as your dorm, you can ask Resident Assistants (RAs) or staff members when is the earliest date that you can receive packages. Then, you can order items and have them delivered on and after that date.

If your school has a separate building for quarantining individuals, you might not be able to receive packages while quarantining because technically you should not be in contact with anyone.

However, you can still ask your RA or Residence Life and Housing staff members regarding the mailroom opening date and pick up orders when you are out of quarantine.

How to receive items on campus before arrival?

The best tip for new international students is to reach out to the International Office and ask for the Mailroom contact information.

Once you receive an email address, reach out to them and ask for the earliest date that they can receive items before the semester start date.

The other thing you need to ask is the mailing address for on campus residence halls. They will be able to provide you with how to write the mailing address for your dorm.

What do I need to buy? College essentials under $50

To write this blog post, I looked back at what did I buy when I was living in a dorm and I found that I have been using some of the items up until now for more than 7 years!

And I also hand-picked items that I cannot live without especially during the pandemic era.

College essentials under $50 are divided into four sections and each item has a brief description.

Students click the “Shop Now” button to see more color options and coupons. To find more college essentials curated by Amazon, go to the College Essentials page.

Items for the ultimate cleanness

Compact air purifier

This compact air purifier is perfect for small rooms. If you are not the type of person who is diligent at opening windows for ventilation, it is highly recommended to have this in your room. It comes in three different colors.

Compact UV sanitizer for your phone, key, student ID, etc

It became my habit to sanitize my phone and keys every time I come back home. This one is under $50 and ranked the #1 UV phone sanitizer on Amazon and you can sanitize and charge at the same time.

Featherweight vacuum cleaner

I used to use broomsticks when I was living in a dorm but found this vacuum cleaner which is about the same price as a broomstick and dustpan. It is the top small vacuum cleaner on Amazon and some of the items come in 4 different colors.

Alcohol pad for your laptop, desk, etc

Alcohol pads are one of the things that I can’t live without. I use them to clean small things that I use almost every day like my smartphone. This one is the cheapest alcohol pad ($0.01/ count) that you could find. If it is too many, you can chip in with your roommates.

Hand sanitizing wipes when you go to the gym, restroom, dining hall, classroom, etc

Put each pack in your school bag, gym sack, desk cabinet, and on top of the office desk to sanitize the surface before you touch anything. This one is the cheapest option you could find ($0.11 per pack).

Compact trash can

If your dorm doesn’t provide a trash can, try this one. This trash can locks the trash odor as it has a lid. I have 4 of them in my house and it is deep enough that I don’t need to empty it too frequently. It comes in 7 different colors.


Bed bug-proof and waterproof mattress protector

If you are going to live in a dorm, you won’t regret getting this mattress protector. It is a lab-tested bedbug-proof and waterproof mattress protector which will protect you from bed bugs.

Hypoallergenic pillow cover

This pillow cover is bed bug-proof, waterproof, and hypoallergenic. It is also easy to wash, which is a huge plus for college students.

Twin-size bed sheets

One of the frequent questions that I receive from new students is “where to buy the bedsheets?” This bed sheet set is made of micro-fiber and it is ranked #1 in Amazon.


When the weather gets cooler, you might need a comforter. This all-season comforter is hypoallergenic, machine washable, and filled with microfibers.

Kitchen products

UV light travel tumbler to sanitize water at the airport, on campus, etc

If you would like to take advantage of a free water fountain across the campus without compromising taste and safety, try this UV water purifier bottle. It has a lid that purifies the water and it does taste different and better. I do have a LARQ Bottle that is slightly over $50 but you can find less than $50 as well.

Water Filter

Drinking clean water and being hydrated are important to stay healthy. Brita simply purifies the water and you can get filters from pretty much everywhere in the U.S. Standard size is recommended if you are going to use it by yourself or with one more roommate. It comes in three different colors.

Items to boost your productivity

If you are willing to pay more, consider LG Tone Free wireless earphones. They come with a UV nano charging case that sanitizes ear pods whenever they are placed in the charging case. Thanks to its great fitting, your ears will not be easily tired and you can enjoy active noise canceling. It comes in 2 different colors.

In summary, it should be the college student’s priority to keep themselves safe and healthy amidst the ongoing health crisis. On top of traditional college essentials, the list of college essentials under $50 will help students to keep themselves safe and healthy.

To learn more about life and study hacks for college students, click here.

Related blog post 1: How to save $$ with ebook/ textbook rental services
Related blog post 2: Straight-A study guide: study in the USA
Related blog post 3: Plagiarism? Writing services that all international students should know

International college students who would like to learn more about the regulations regarding the work opportunities, click OPT and STEM OPT pages.

Be Savvies

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Academic disqualification
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