How to apply for Driver's License without SSN

How to apply for Driver’s License without SSN

International students who would like to apply for the Driver’s License might not have Social Security Number (SSN) on their hands. This blog post will illustrate how to apply for Driver’s License without SSN for international students.

Please note that although the basic process and required documents are similar, applying for a driver’s license is one of those things that regulation can be differ based on where you live. Therefore, to confirm the application process and required document list, please reach out to the local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

Or international students can check the Office of International Services webpage to find information on applying for a driver’s license as most colleges would have the info on their websites. Also, note that this content is heavily based on the DRIVING IN THE UNITED STATES webpage by StudyintheStates to deliver accurate information.

To learn more about driving as an F-1 student or J-1 student, you may want to go to the StudyintheStates website.


Required documents

When international students apply for a driver’s license, they should gather the following documents:

  • All signed Form I-20s or DS-2019s
  • A valid passport
  • A most recent F-1 visa or J-1 visa (unless you are from a visa-exempt country like Canada or Bermuda)
  • Proof of residence: Go to your local DMV website to see which documents can be used as a Residence Proof. For example, in New York state, ID-44 says the following documents can be submitted…
    • bank statements that show the address
    • utility bills that show the address
    • credit card statements that show the address
  • SSN card
    • If your state requires it but if you don’t have one, you can submit a Form SSA-L676, “Refusal to Process SSN Application.”
    • As of November 2021, Form SSA-L676 cannot be completed online, thus, students may have to go to the local Social Security Administration to complete the form.
  • If you are an OPT, bring your Form I-766, “Employment Authorization Document (EAD card)”

Related blog post 1: All about EAD card; EAD address change, late delivery
Related blog post 2: I haven’t received my EAD; OPT EAD processing time

Things to note

Other requirements

Based on the state, students may be asked to submit additional documents like proof of citizenship, proof of lawful status, and proof of date of birth. To see what kind of documents would be considered valid proof, visit the local DMV website. For example, New York state provides ID-44 that students can check the list of documents.

Active SEVIS record

If you are a new international student, you should make sure that your SEVIS record is in Active Status before you go to DMV to file the application. To verify this information, you can reach out to your advisor (DSO).

F-2 or J-2 dependents

When F-2 or J-2 dependents apply for the driver’s license, they should go to the DMV with F-1 or J-1 holders and make sure both individuals have all of the required documents.

Hope this blog helps international students who try to apply for a driver’s license without SSN (Social Security Number). All other essential information and tips for F-1 visa holders can be found on the F-1 visa page.

Be Savvies

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