Final essentials

Midterm, Final study essentials for international students

As of April 2022, around 16K international students are visiting SEVIS SAVVY to get information and tips on student visa regulations, OPT and STEM rules. It was surprising to me to see that quite a lot of students find blog posts on studying tips and life tips helpful as well. In this sense, I would like to share essential items for international students who dedicate their time and efforts to get good grades on the midterm and final.

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How to enjoy the U.S. TOP coffee roaster’s coffee at home

Coffee is one of the top essentials when you have to stay up late to study. Luckily, there are many amazing coffee roasters in the U.S.

For example, the 2022 U.S. Barista Championships went to Morgan Eckroth who was trained by Onyx Coffee Lab which is located in Arkansas. The coffee beans that she used at the Championships were sponsored by the Onyx as well.

Also, if you are studying in Boston, you may have heard of George Howell Coffee. George Howell is known as a co-founder of the Cup of Excellence and his first coffee shop- Coffee Connection- grew into 24 stores that were sold to Starbucks.

Did you know that you can enjoy these top U.S. roaster coffee at home including Onyx and George Howell coffee without flying over to Arkansas and Boston? Cometeer is the brand that brews coffees with beans from the top roasters and then freezes them under 321 degrees when the coffee is at its peak quality.

It is shipped frozen and what you need to do is defrost it. You do not need a brewer, french press, or anything to enjoy the high-quality coffee. Bring a coffee pod with you to the library, or classroom and just open it and pour it over the water or milk at your liking!

It may sound like it might be expensive given its freezing techniques but it’s not. As a matter of fact, if it was expensive, I would have not recommended Cometeer to college students.

The original price is $2 for each Cometeer coffee pod. However, if you use the link below, you can save $40 for your first two orders which makes around $1 for each cup of coffee. That’s way cheaper than Starbucks coffee! I have recommended Cometeer to my colleagues, friends, and supervisors and they all appreciated it.

Click here to save $40 on your Cometter coffee

Especially if you are living in a rural area where you cannot find decent coffee shops, you will absolutely appreciate it.

Snacks to boost your brain energy

Healthy snacks like yogurt and nuts are other essential items to boost your energy and keep awake. I was in the market for nut packets that have a variety of nuts and that are individually packaged so it’s easy to carry. After a vigorous search, I finally found the one that I love.

This one has pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, and peanuts with a little bit of sea salt. One pack is enough to keep you full between meals so it’s guilt-free and it’s good for your brain. If you would like to enjoy some luxurious nuts, consider trying the Mauna Loa’s macadamia nuts. They have changed their packaging since 2021 but it’s the same flavor-rich macadamia nuts. Macadamia nuts boast a deep, rich flavor as well as nutrition that none of the nuts have. It was my go-to when I had lots of writing and readings.

Lastly, if you would like to flavor your coffee, the below items are my favorite. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf coffee powdered creamers were recommended by a friend and they will make your coffee at home to another level. By adding a scoop of powdered creamers to your coffee, your at-home coffee will taste just like a vanilla latte or hazelnut latte that you buy from coffee shops.

Due to their popularity, flavors go out of stock pretty quickly, so don’t hesitate to buy and enjoy them when you can.

Comfy yet stylish study outfits for international students

To be honest, no one will judge you if you don’t wash every day during the midterm or final. But, you don’t have to look nasty when you can still be stylish. Did you know that you can find t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, bags, and hats just for international students from SEVIS SAVVY?

Let me introduce SEVIS SAVVY merch that is designed for international students who study in the United States.

Proud to be international

Proud to be international line was designed for international students to be confident about living in the U.S. as a minority.


INTL is an abbreviation of international and it’s a great way to show your identity as an international while not being too explicit.

I am enough

One of the SAVVY mindsets, I am enough message was designed with the goal of boosting international students’ mental well-being.


The simple International design looks like something you would buy from the college store.

Customizable OPT/STEM OPT timeline

Customizable OPT/ STEM OPT timeline phone cases and cups are great gift ideas for graduating students or those whose STEM OPT requests have been approved. I have seen many students who missed their employment opportunities just because they were not aware of their OPT application timeline as well as STEM OPT application timeline.

By ordering the customizable OPT timeline items, you can note the graduation date when you make an order and customized cup or phone cases with the OPT application window will be delivered.

In the same way, you can write the OPT end date for your customizable STEM OPT timeline products and the STEM OPT application period will be noted in the item. Check out the 15% discount coupon below for your order!

Get a 15% discount until 05/31/2022: Spring2022

Congratulations on making it through another semester! SEVIS SAVVY will continue to deliver time-sensitive and important news and updates for international students. Don’t forget to check out the F-1 visa page to learn F-1 visa-related information that all international students should be aware of. To learn more about the OPT and STEM OPT, click OPT and STEM OPT pages respectively.

Be Savvies

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