How I got my new green card in a month

How I got my new green card in a month

Here’s the screenshot of my case history: I applied for a new green card (Permanent Resident Card) on August 30, 2023, and the card was delivered on September 28, 2023. It took exactly 29 calendar days for me to receive a shiny, new green card.

Given that the USCIS Case Processing Time for I-90 | Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card is 4.5 months as of now, my case took almost 25% of what it would usually take.

In conjunction with USCIS’s policy to make more forms online, my familiarity with USCIS forms definitely helped me apply for the green card replacement and get it in such a short time period.

As an International Student Advisor, I probably have advised hundreds if not thousands of cases filing USCIS forms. What I found is that online forms are getting reviewed faster than paper forms.

Related blog post 1: Step by step guide to create the USCIS account for OPT online application
Related blog post 2: How to file Form I-765 online for OPT, STEM OPT

Additionally, it has been observed that online forms increase the successful filing rate as they specify the fields to be entered and show the error message while completing the application. Basically, online forms are more straightforward than paper applications.

However, if it is your first time completing the online form, you may not be sure if you are doing it right.

Therefore, I will share a step-by-step with screenshots and tips on how to file the I-90, Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card online successfully. Feel free to click the link below and follow along to apply for your green card replacement.


Check your eligibility

If you are a current green card holder like me, check the expiration date on your card. The earliest date that you can complete the green card replacement application online is 6 months from your current green card expiration date.

One of the tips that I share with my students is to utilize the date calculator to confirm the earliest filing date and apply as soon as possible. It is interesting to witness that students who apply for whatever benefits as soon as possible get to be reviewed surprisingly fast but the ones who apply later experience delays.

More information on replacing your green card can be found on the USCIS Replace Your Green Card webpage. You can click the “online” link on the “How to Replace Your Green Card” section to start your I-90 application filing.

Click Online

Go to USCIS’s Replace Your Green Card webpage

Create your MyUSCIS account

If it is your first time completing any USCIS online form, the first thing you need to do is create an account. Follow the steps below to create a MyUSCIS account.

If you already have an account, click here to jump to the Start the online Form I-90 filing section.

Click "Create an account"

Click “Create an account”

Type and confirm your email address

Type and confirm your email address

Check your email inbox to confirm your email address

Check your email inbox to confirm your email address

Scroll down the Terms of Use

Scroll down the Terms of Use

Click "I Agree" below the Acknowledgment

Click “I Agree” below the Acknowledgment

Create a password

Create a password

Select your preferred two-step verification method

Select your preferred two-step verification method.

Given the accessibility, my personal preference and recommendation is Email.

Check your email to get the verification code

Check your email to get the verification code. Then copy and paste the code.

Save your backup code

Save your backup code and click the “Proceed” button.

Provide your own password reset answers

Provide your own password reset answers

Start the online Form I-90 filing

Once you are logged into your USCIS Account, follow the steps below to start the online Form I-90 filing.

Select MyUSCIS

Select MyUSCIS

Select an account type

Select an account type: “I am an applicant, petitioner, or requestor” and click “Submit”

Select "File a form online"

Select “File a form online”

Type "I-90" then select the application

Type “I-90” then select “Application to Replace Permanent Resident Card”

Scroll through the "Before You Start Your Application"

Scroll through the “Before You Start Your Application”

Click the "Next" button

Click the “Next” button

Continue to scroll down the "Completing Your Form Online" information section

Continue to scroll down the “Completing Your Form Online” information section

Click the "Start" button

Click the “Start” button

Complete the “Getting Started” section of the green card replacement application

Before we get started, please be reminded that my case- applying for the 10-year renewal green card-can be different from your case. Therefore, refer to the screenshot but choose your own answers.

Select your current immigration status

Select your current immigration status.

The most common status would be “Lawful permanent resident”

Choose your reason for applying for the permanent resident card replacement

Choose your reason for applying for the permanent resident card replacement.

If you are applying for the green card before the expiration date, the reason would be “My card has expired or will expire within 6 months”

Select Yes if you are applying for a new green card due to disabilities or impairments. If not, choose "No."

Select “Yes” if you are applying for a new green card due to disabilities or impairments. If not, choose “No.”

Select "No" if no one is assisting you with completing the application

Select “No” if no one is assisting you with completing the application

Complete the “About You” section of the green card replacement application

Type your legal name and select if your name has changed

Type your legal name

Select “Yes” if your name has changed, if not, select “No”

Provide your telephone number and email address

Provide your telephone number and email address

Verify your address

If the “Verify your address” message pops up, review the recommended address.

I checked the Recommended address and clicked “Use selected address”

Select "Yes" if your physical address is mailing address

Select “Yes” if your physical address is mailing address

Select your gender and ethnicity

Select your gender and ethnicity

Select your race and provide your height and weight information

Select your race and provide your height and weight information

Select the color of your eyes and hair

Select the color of your eyes and hair

Provide your birth-related information

Provide your birth-related information

Select your class of admission which can be found on your green card

Select your class of admission which can be found on your green card

Type where did you apply for your green card

Type where you applied for your initial green card.

Usually, it would be the U.S. Embassy in your home country.

Select your port-of-entry-related information

Select your port-of-entry-related information

Continue to provide further information and click the "Next" button

Continue to provide further information and click the “Next” button

Provide your A-Number which can be found on your green card

Provide your A-Number which can be found on your green card

Type your SSN and USCIS Online Account Number

Type your SSN and USCIS Online Account Number

Complete the “Evidence” section of your green card replacement application

Upload a scanned copy of your green card

Upload a scanned copy of your green card

Provide “Additional information” to complete your green card replacement application

Click the "+Add a response" button if applicable

Click the “+Add a response” button if you have additional, relevant information in regard to your green card application.

“Review and Submit” the green card replacement application

Check the application fee information and any alert or warning

Check the application fee information and any alert or warning

Review your green card information

Review your green card replacement request information.

It may be a good practice to save the draft of the online application in a PDF file for your reference by clicking the “Print” icon.

Check the box and click the "Next"

Check the box and click “Next”

Scroll down the Applicant's certification

Scroll down the Applicant’s certification

Type your full legal name

Type your full legal name

Continue to make a payment

Continue to make a payment

Make the payment

Select your preferred payment method

Select your preferred payment method. I chose “Debit or credit card”

Provide your card information

Provide your card information

Click the "Go to my cases" to check your case number

If you provide the valid card information, you will see the “You successfully submitted your I-90” message.

Click the “Go to my cases” to check your case number.

You can utilize the case number to check updates on your case using your phone apps. In addition, on MyUSCIS, you will be able to check MyProgress which shows the milestones on your case.

To learn more about the USCIS Case Tracker app and MyProgress, please click the related blog post below.

Related blog post: The best way to track OPT/STEM OPT case status

What to expect upon the successful filing

When the green card replacement application is filed, you can expect to receive two letters from USCIS. One I-797, Notice of Action that basically says USCIS received your application and payment.

It is worth noting that receiving this letter does not mean USCIS approves your green card replacement application.

I-797, Notice of Action

If there was no payment issue, USCIS will send you the receipt notice Form I-797, Notice of Action.

The second letter is I-797C, Notice of Action which details the upcoming biometrics appointment to finalize your green card application. It did not take too long for me to do fingerprinting, I stayed for about 30 minutes, at the designated USCIS location.

Form I-797C, Notice of Action

Additionally, make sure to check your mailbox for Form I-797C, Notice of Action.

It will say the Biometrics date and time as well as the USCIS location.

After the biometric is done and USCIS finds no issues with your application, the envelope that looks like the one below will be delivered to you which has your green card!

Delivered green card (permanent resident card)

This is what USCIS mail with your new green card looks like!

I wish you the best in applying for the green card renewal!

Be Savvies

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