USCIS H1B Premium Processing Fee increase by 73%


摘要:从10/19/2020起,美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)宣布H1B加急处理费将增加:对于H-2B或R-1非移民申请人以外的所有申请,I-907表格,加急申请费 将从$ 1,440.99增加 至$ 2,500.00。提交I-129表格(申请H-2B或R-1非移民身份的非移民工人请愿书)请愿人的加急处理费 也从 $ 1,440.00增加到$ 1,500.00




美国公民及移民服务局解释说:“美国 公民及移民服务局的 加急处理服务允许请愿者支付额外的费用,以加快某些表格的裁决,通常在15天内。” 该服务适用于I-129表格(非移民工人请愿)I-140表格(外籍工人的移民请愿)。国际毕业生通常会申请H-1B请愿书,以便在美国合法工作,并且此费用变化会影响他们。


Designated Classification Within Form I-129Corresponding Nonimmigrant Classification
Alien in specialty occupationH-1B
Temporary worker performing nonagricultural servicesH-2B
Alien of extraordinary ability or achievements in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athleticsO-1
Alien providing essential support services for a principal O-1 alienO-2
Alien in a religious occupationR-1
Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker
Designated Classification Within Form I-140Corresponding Employment-Based (EB) Immigrant Visa Classification
Aliens of extraordinary ability / Outstanding professors and researchers / Multinational executives and managersEB-1
Members of professions with advanced degrees or exceptional ability not seeking a National Interest WaiverEB-2
Skilled workers / ProfessionalsEB-3
Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker


从10月19日开始,I-907表格(H-2B和R-1类别除外)的加急处理费将增加73%,从1400.99美元增至2500美元。另一方面,提交I-129表格以申请H-2B或R-1身份的加急处理费将从$ 1,400.00涨至$ 1,500.00,增加4%。因此,从10/19起,如果您想申请加急处理,则应该支付新的费用。

Any Form I-907 postmarked on or after Oct. 19 must include the new fee amount. If USCIS receives a Form I-907 postmarked on or after Oct. 19 with the incorrect filing fee, we will reject the Form I-907 and return the filing fee. For filings sent by commercial courier (such as UPS, FedEx and DHL), the postmark date is the date reflected on the courier receipt.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services



相关阅读1:留美工作必须知道 CAP,GAP,OPT以及H1B

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