How to have a successful college life 01

Advice for college students by a straight-A college staff 01
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Hello- I am Hanna, an editor of SEVIS SAVVY and as you know already I work at a university.

Just to give you more background about me-I studied Communications for my Bachelor’s and Higher Education (which is a fancy word for college and university) Administration for my Master’s. My academic background combined with my work experiences made me start off the new series about how to have a successful college life.

It seems to me that very few students have a comprehensive understanding of how important communication is. In this new series, I will share important communication tips and attitudes that all college students must have.

Specifically, In this blog post, I will share common mistakes college students shall avoid to better communicate with people who work in the college like me or professors which could, in turn, benefit students even beyond their college years.

Here’s the bottom line: Develop a habit of checking your email inbox regularly and reading them thoroughly.

Why it is important to be diligent checking your school email inbox

And here’s why:

You may have read this article featured in New York Times, NPR just to name a few and it is basically about a professor who hid $50 on campus and noted the written instruction about how to claim it in his syllabus. He was testing out to see if his students read his syllabus and unfortunately when he checked back the locker at the end of the semester, $50 was sleeping there- no one claimed it.

Whether you realize it or not, communicating well with college advisors, administrators or professors is a starting point for your successful college life.

Why? Because they do have information that you need.

Information that you need to find internships, on-campus jobs, academic policies and to get good grades! And even though social media is popular among the MZ generation, email communication is still at the center of official communication. Your university may have social media like Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok, etc but the most important news and messages that you must know will be sent out to you via email.

However, it’s surprising to me to see how many students are not reading these important emails. It seems to me that they don’t pay attention to the emails because they think it’s just a group message. But think about it, even if it is a small college, there are hundreds of students, and so college staff cannot simply send individual, customized messages to you all the time.

As a matter of fact, even if you receive group emails or automated emails, they contain important information that includes academic policies, what to do next, internship, or assistantship opportunities, office hours, and how to reach out to your advisors. What is more, if you didn’t do well last semester you might receive probation warnings through emails as well.

6 BAD scenarios that college students can encounter when they do not check emails regularly or read them thorughly.

Here are examples of what would happen to you if you don’t check emails and if you don’t read them thoroughly.

  1. You would drive to the college during the move-in week before the new semester but couldn’t check in on campus because you were academically disqualified. You didn’t check the email so you were ignorant that actually you cannot study anymore.
  2. You didn’t complete all the pre-registration steps according to the instructions written in emails so you couldn’t register for classes even in the first week of the semester.
  3. You walk into the office seeking assistance but it was outside the walk-in hours so you had to go back during the walk-in hours or leave a note.
  4. You are not sure how to apply for credit-bearing internship opportunities or OPT for international students when the information is already delivered to you via email multiple times.
  5. There is a timeline that you need to do something and you found it out when you have only a day left or so.
  6. It turns out that you wasted your time, emotion and energy to figure out something that was already sent to you via email.

I can go on and on and on and on and on and on. I’m telling you- this happens a lot and that’s why I am so convinced to start this series off by emphasizing how important it is to check your email regularly and read them thoroughly although it may sound like typical advice for college students.

Students who don’t check their emails also tend to rush

So remember this rap and make your first step today for your successful college life and beyond.

“Check check check your email every weekday, click, open, read until you understand them. oh oh oh~”

OK I shared my rap so now it’s your turn to share this post with your friends so that all college students can watch this blog post.

They may say “dude Im good at checking ma emails” but you know them they would feel appreciated deep inside of their heart and you are helping them to not make mistakes of missing any important communication.

Also, if you already have this habit, please share how you manage your time to check emails or remind yourself to do so. I believe there will be many students who would be benefitted from your tips.

Colleges do see how often you are connected with the college as predictive measures

If you still think it is too much to connect checking emails to having a successful college life, look at this article! There are colleges that measure the risk of dropping out by checking how often students are connected to school’s wifi or how often they log into the school’s computer system.

Honestly, I believe checking emails and spending a good time digesting all the information can be one of the predictive measures for students’ completion or graduation rate.

Remember, you or your parents poured thousands of dollars for you to make your college life possible. So why don’t you use the reminder app, notification, or write it down somewhere to develop or continue this important life habit?

Now, college students may have questions like “ok I understand that but how do I confirm that they have received my email?” Well, add the webpage to your favorites list, sign up for the newsletter, and stay tuned.

Lastly, if you are an international student, check these pages where I share OPT, STEM OPT, F-1 and J-1 visa information in Korean, plain English and Chinese.

Thank you!

Be Savvies

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作为 J-1 交换生赴美实习?学术培训了解一下

交换生是指短期来美国学习和体验不同文化的学生。与获得学位(例如学士学位、硕士学位或博士学位)的攻读学位的学生不同,交换生不会从美国院校获得学位,而是从其本国大学获得学位。在签证方面,攻读学位的学生通常获得F-1学生签证,而非攻读学位(交换)的学生则获得J-1学生签证。但交换生有可能获得 F-1 签证。我为什么要谈论签证?这是因为 F-1 和 J-1 签证持有者都必须知道,根据移民法规,未经授权,他们不得在校外工作。因此,为了在校外公司实习,您应该根据您的签证类型申请不同的就业授权计划。例如,F-1学生应申请并获得批准用于在校期间实习的CPT和毕业后在校外工作的Post-completion OPT。对于 J-1 学生,有一个名为学术培训的项目,通过学术培训项目,交换生可以在校外工作。然而,学术培训规则不如 F-1 学生项目明确,因此大多数 J-1 交换生不会利用该项目。因此,如果您想充分利用在美国的留学经历,请仔细阅读本文,看看您是否符合资格。通过阅读本文,您将能够了解以下内容: (1) Purpose. The primary purpose of academic training is to permit a student, other than a student intern described in paragraph (i) of this section, to participate in an academic training program during his or her studies, without

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Academic disqualification
F-1 签证


大多数美国学院和大学都有适用于包括国际学生在内的所有学生的学术要求。例如,如果学生 GPA 成绩低于 2.0(满分 4.0),则根据下一学期的机构政策,他或她可能会被留校察看 (AP)。 AP 学生会被分配 AP 顾问,帮助他们提高 GPA。 如果学生的 GPA 没有提高或者学生没有成功完成 AP 流程,学生可能会被取消学业资格或收到学业停课通知。除非学生是故意不学习,否则没有学生愿意收到取消学业资格、停学、留校察看的通知,因为这意味着低 GPA 和没有奖学金等。 然而,对于国际学生来说,处于学术留校察看或被取消学术资格尤其是一件大事,因为他们的非移民身份(学生签证)可能会受到影响。由于国际学生留在美国的目的是学习,因此当他们因学术取消资格/停学和留校察看而无法注册课程时,他们可能不得不离开美国。 因此,这篇文章将探讨学术取消资格、停学和留校察看对国际学生签证状态的影响。经常被问到的问题,例如“美国领事官员会知道我被取消资格吗?”、“我应该怎么做才能取消留学查看的处分?” “我需要离开美国吗?”或“我怎样才能留在美国?”也将被讨论。 目录 留校察看 正如我上面简要提到的,通常会对学生进行学术留校察看,以避免学生离被取消学术资格而被停学更近了。从这个意义上说,大多数学生将能够在即将到来的入学中继续全日制入学。只要国际学生能够注册下一学期的全日制课程,此时学生签证或 SEVIS 记录(I-20 表)就不会受到影响。 话虽这么说,AP 学生应该尽力在下学期摆脱 AP 身份,以免被学校停学或失去身份。同样,处于 AP 状态的学生可能需要更多时间来满足毕业要求,这可能导致无法在 I-20 表格上注明的课程结束日期按时毕业。 在这种情况下,学生没有资格申请延期,因此他们必须返回自己的祖国完成课程。要了解有关“身份失效”的结果的更多信息,请单击以下相关文章: 相关文章:国际学生注意不要“身份失效” 如果你的学校阻止 AP 学生注册全日制课程,你应该与你所在大学的 DSO 沟通,看看你应该做什么,因为从技术上讲,除非你有资格获得减少课程量,否则你将失去身份。 我们鼓励想了解一些学习和写作技巧的国际学生查看以下文章: 相关文章1:全A学习指南:国际学生赴美留学相关文章2:抄袭?所有国际学生都应该知道的写作服务 停学/取消学术资格 现在让我们看一下与学业暂停或取消资格相关的移民法规。 一些院校为学术不合格并因此收到停课通知的学生提供上诉的机会。因此,如果您在学术上被取消资格,在做出最终决定之前,请务必检查您的学院或大学是否允许不合格的学生提出上诉。 如果您的学院或大学不为不合格的学生提供上诉机会,或者您的上诉被拒绝,那么您的签证身份就失效了,因为您不再是 I-20 签发的学院/大学的学生。

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