STEM OPT I-983 training form sample answers

STEM OPT I-983培训计划样本答案30个

主修STEM(科学、科技、工程和数学)课程之一并符合STEM OPT要求的国际学生,可以申请延长24个月的OPT计划。(欲了解更多关于STEM OPT的资格、申请过程、以及所需的申请文件,请点击下面相关部落格文章)

相关阅读 1: 怎么申请STEM OPT?
相关阅读 2: 怎么在线为OPT/STEM OPT提供I-765

填写I-983 Training Plan 完成STEM OPT申请的一重要部分,因为DSO会根据填写的I-983表提出建议,如果学生不清楚每一部分应该写什么以及如何写,DSO可能会要求学生修改,而这又会导致处理时间延长。

所以,本文章将介绍如何撰写I-983 Training Plan并为STEM OPT申请人提供样本答案。如果你也正在撰写I-983 Training Plan,请阅读本文章来了解如何正确回答每个问题。


什么是I-983 Training Plan,在哪里可以取得?

美国联邦官方网站Study in the States说:”正式的 training plan 必须清楚地阐述STEM OPT学生的学习目标,并肯定雇主对帮助学生实现这些目标的承诺。”

同一网页上有I-983 Training Plan文件的链接。请注意,目前版本说目前I-983表的到期日是2025年5月31日,请查看Study in the States网页或在谷歌上搜索该表格,以找到I-983表的最新版本

2023年3月更新:FormI-983到期日(expiration date)更新为2025年5月31日。 最新的Form I-983可以点击这里下载。

Form I-983 Training Plan Expiration Date 5/31/2025
Form I-983 Training Plan Expiration Date 5/31/2025



Section 1 of Form I-983
Section 1 of Form I-983
EAD card example
EAD card example

在第1部分输入的信息,包括学生姓名、学校名称、SEVIS学校代码、学生SEVID ID和CIP代码,应与你的I-20表格相符合。请参考以下学生最常犯错的地方:

  • STEM OPT要求的期限:STEM OPT项目 “延长 “了你的OPT期限。因此,”FROM “日期应该是你OPT结束日期的隔天。使用日期计算器,从FROM日期加上24个月来计算TO日期。
  • 依据之前的学位:如果你是依据你最近获得的学位来申请STEM OPT计划,请勾选 “否”。I-983说明说:”如果你参与STEM OPT是依据之前获得的STEM学位,并且不是你目前完成后的OPT所依据的同一学位,请勾选’是’。”
Section 2 of the Form I-983
Section 2 of the Form I-983

第2部分没有什么特别难回答的地方,但是请注意,STEM OPT申请人应打印出表格,并用笔签名,电子签名将不被允许。



Section 3 of the form I-983
Section 3 of the form I-983

第3页;I-983 Training Plan 样本答案

在这一页需说明你的工作将如何加深你在学习期间获得的知识或技能。在接下来的段落中,你将了解到表格所要求的东西是什么,以及如何填写每个部分。STEM OPT申请人可以简单地切换”[ ]”部分来定制他们的答案。

Section 5 of the Form I-983
Section 5 of the Form I-983



当DSO在SEVIS中为学生推荐STEM OPT时,他们需要写出学生的职位名称,但是I-983表格并不要求学生的职位名称,所以,在第一部分包括学生的职位名称是一个好方法。举例来说,请看下面的第一个答案样本。

  1. The student is working as [position title] and responsible for [projects and tasks]. The student is required to utilize the knowledge and skills that are obtained from her [degree program or list courses that students had taken] to perform her position.
  2. The students majored in [degree program] where he/she studied [related knowledge or skills]. By working as a [position title] at [employer name], the student will enhance his knowledge and skills.
  3. The everyday tasks will deepen his/her knowledge in [degree program/ related skills] to attain a high level of both theoretical and practical understanding of his/her major. 
  4. The student will be working as a [position title] and the responsibilities are [examples of responsibilities]. This every exposure to the responsibilities will train the student to attain a higher level of understanding of his/her [degree program].
  5. The student is working as [position title] at [employer]. While working in this position, the student is able to apply his/her academic knowledge in [degree program[ and obtain experience in the field of [field]. 




  1. The student will learn [goals regarding specific knowledge, skills, or techniques]. By doing [projects and tasks-how can the goals be achieved?], the student can learn [goals] as well. 
  2. The student’s specific objective at [the employer] is to enhance his/her [knowledge/skills] that he learned at [the university name]. 
  3. Working at [the employer] has helped him to obtain/be/deepen [goals].
  4. The student’s goal is to enhance his/her knowledge and gain professional experience in learning the tools and techniques used in [knowledge/ skills]. The projects will get his/her hands-on experience with [examples of works]. 
  5. The main goal of this training and work assignment is to provide the student with theoretical and practical hands-on experience in [field] using [knowledge/skills]. 
  6. The student will acquire this knowledge and skills set through [examples of tasks and projects].




  1. The student will be instructed on [how] by [who]. 
  2. The student is provided with [trained/certified personnel/ online instruction] to perform the job. 
  3. I will be the supervisor for the student and provide [instructions].
  4. The student will receive on-the-job training for knowledge in [tasks/ goals].
  5. The student is required to receive continuing internal training, attend online classes, and seminars as part of the learning process.
  6. The student works under the supervisor of the [supervisor title]. 
  7. [The employer] requires continuing training that is evaluated as part of the employer’s work performance. This includes [examples of the training].
  8. The student works under the supervision of and trained by the [supervisor] at [employer]. Training oversight will be provided as necessary by the division supervisor. In addition, the student is required to successfully complete internal training courses, tutorials, and training plans as they apply to this work responsibilities and training goals. 
  9. The student will be given assignments that are closely monitored by [whom]. 
  10. The student will be working with his/her supervisor. The student will take part in regular weekly meetings which touch upon [related tasks]. 
  11. The student will report his/her [tasks] to her supervisor regularly. 




  1. Employer will provide/designate [position title] to teach, train and verify performance associated with [the task].
  2. The student will submit a [weekly/monthly/annual] review to evaluate the student’s skill, knowledge, and ability to perform the position. 
  3. The student’s performance will be reviewed [weekly/monthly/annually] and guidance and adjustments will be made to ensure the student meets the goal. 
  4. The [supervisor] will monitor the [project/task] to determine if the student is meeting the performance standards in the role of [the position title].
  5. The student’s performance is reviewed by [HR/supervisor/department] every [how often you will be reviewed] to see if his/her training goal is met.
  6. The student will participate in regularly scheduled performance evaluations conducted by his/her supervisor. The student will also be assessed to ensure that [knowledge, skills, and techniques] meet the goals. 
  7. The supervisor monitors specific work assignments to determine if the student is meeting company performance standards and the work is compliant with applicable regulatory requirements.
  8. The student is subjected to periodic reviews and evaluations to ensure that the student possesses the necessary [knowledge and skills]. 



就第5页而言,在申请STEM OPT时,你并不需要填写。欲了解更多关于如何填写第5页和STEM OPT报告要求,请点击以下文章。

所有关于STEM OPT申请的信息和规定,以及像 “如果我没有收到EAD卡,而我的OPT结束日期临近,我应该怎么做“ 这样的案例研究,都可以在STEM OPT页面上找到。通过探索所有重要信息来成为一个精明的人!

Be Savvies

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J-1 签证

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Academic disqualification
F-1 签证


大多数美国学院和大学都有适用于包括国际学生在内的所有学生的学术要求。例如,如果学生 GPA 成绩低于 2.0(满分 4.0),则根据下一学期的机构政策,他或她可能会被留校察看 (AP)。 AP 学生会被分配 AP 顾问,帮助他们提高 GPA。 如果学生的 GPA 没有提高或者学生没有成功完成 AP 流程,学生可能会被取消学业资格或收到学业停课通知。除非学生是故意不学习,否则没有学生愿意收到取消学业资格、停学、留校察看的通知,因为这意味着低 GPA 和没有奖学金等。 然而,对于国际学生来说,处于学术留校察看或被取消学术资格尤其是一件大事,因为他们的非移民身份(学生签证)可能会受到影响。由于国际学生留在美国的目的是学习,因此当他们因学术取消资格/停学和留校察看而无法注册课程时,他们可能不得不离开美国。 因此,这篇文章将探讨学术取消资格、停学和留校察看对国际学生签证状态的影响。经常被问到的问题,例如“美国领事官员会知道我被取消资格吗?”、“我应该怎么做才能取消留学查看的处分?” “我需要离开美国吗?”或“我怎样才能留在美国?”也将被讨论。 目录 留校察看 正如我上面简要提到的,通常会对学生进行学术留校察看,以避免学生离被取消学术资格而被停学更近了。从这个意义上说,大多数学生将能够在即将到来的入学中继续全日制入学。只要国际学生能够注册下一学期的全日制课程,此时学生签证或 SEVIS 记录(I-20 表)就不会受到影响。 话虽这么说,AP 学生应该尽力在下学期摆脱 AP 身份,以免被学校停学或失去身份。同样,处于 AP 状态的学生可能需要更多时间来满足毕业要求,这可能导致无法在 I-20 表格上注明的课程结束日期按时毕业。 在这种情况下,学生没有资格申请延期,因此他们必须返回自己的祖国完成课程。要了解有关“身份失效”的结果的更多信息,请单击以下相关文章: 相关文章:国际学生注意不要“身份失效” 如果你的学校阻止 AP 学生注册全日制课程,你应该与你所在大学的 DSO 沟通,看看你应该做什么,因为从技术上讲,除非你有资格获得减少课程量,否则你将失去身份。 我们鼓励想了解一些学习和写作技巧的国际学生查看以下文章: 相关文章1:全A学习指南:国际学生赴美留学相关文章2:抄袭?所有国际学生都应该知道的写作服务 停学/取消学术资格 现在让我们看一下与学业暂停或取消资格相关的移民法规。 一些院校为学术不合格并因此收到停课通知的学生提供上诉的机会。因此,如果您在学术上被取消资格,在做出最终决定之前,请务必检查您的学院或大学是否允许不合格的学生提出上诉。 如果您的学院或大学不为不合格的学生提供上诉机会,或者您的上诉被拒绝,那么您的签证身份就失效了,因为您不再是 I-20 签发的学院/大学的学生。

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