7 Require documents for OPT application

7 Required documents for OPT Application

The Optional Practical Training (OPT) program allows international students to work legally in the United States. In my last blog posts, I discussed 4 eligibility to apply for OPT, the ‘5-month window’ to file the OPT in a timely manner, and how to choose the best OPT start date. If you have met all the eligibility to apply for OPT and selected the OPT start date, now it is time to assemble the OPT packet. In this blog post, I will list the required documents that international students should include in their OPT packet.

Related blog post 1: Must-know 4 eligibility for student visa OPT
Related blog post 2: Best OPT start date: Remember the 90, 60, 30 rule

OPT Application Required Documents

  1. Recommendation letter
  2. Form I-765
  3. New I-20 with OPT recommendation & all previous I-20s
  4. Scanned copy of passport photo page & F-1 visa stamp
  5. I-94 record
  6. 2 identical color photos
  7. Check or money order to pay the application fee

1. Recommendation letter

When students, who meet all the eligibility, show their intention to apply for OPT, DSOs (Designated School Official) recommends OPT in their SEVIS record. In this light, some schools issue OPT applicants a recommendation letter, while some schools ask students to have academic advisors to complete the recommendation letter. OPT recommendation remark can be found on the second page of I-20. F-1 visa students are required to include the I-20 with OPT remark in their OPT packet.

2. Form I-765

Form I-765 is an application for Employment Authorization Document (EAD). As there are three kinds of OPT, students should put the code to indicate which OPT category they are applying for in Part 2, question number 27. Codes for each OPT category can be found below:

  • Pre-completion OPT: (c)(3)(A)
  • Post completion OPT: (c)(3)(B)
  • STEM OPT: (c)(3)(C)
Eligibility Category in the form I-765
Eligibility Category in the form I-765

In addition, there are important points to note when you filling out the Form I-765. To see full instructions for Form I-765, go to I-765, Application for Employment Authorization page from USCIS, and click Instructions for Form I-765 file.

  • You should type or print legibly in black ink.
  • When signing your completed Form I-765, note that digital or electronic signatures are NOT accepted by USCIS. You must sign your completed application with pen.
  • If a question does not apply to you, hand-write N/A or none as the answer.
  • Print all pages single-sided.
Writing N/A in the fields that are not applicable to you
Writing N/A in the fields that are not applicable to you
writing "none" in each small box fields that are not applicable to you
writing “none” in each small box fields that are not applicable to you

The last thing to keep in mind when you complete the OPT application is to check the edition of the Form I-765. USCIS has announced three times already only in 2020 that they are updating the new edition of Form I-765. It is critical to note that USCIS will not accept the outdated edition. Therefore the best practice is to go to the Application for Employment Authorization page by USCIS and check the most recent edition before you file the OPT application. Currently, 8/25/20 is the most recent edition but it will not be accepted on and after October 2, 2020.

3. New I-20 with OPT recommendation & all previous I-20s

Once DSO recommends OPT for you in SEVIS, you will see “OPT requested” under Employment Authorizations on your I-20, page 2. When you are given the new I-20 with the OPT remark, make a copy of it and include it in the OPT packet.

Additionally, an OPT applicant is required to include copies of all I-20s that were previously issued to the student. However, if you can only find 1 out of 3 old I-20s, it’s not the end of the world, you can include the one in the OPT packet.

4. Scanned copy of passport photo page & F-1 visa stamp

Other documents that you need to include in the OPT application packet are scanned copies of the passport photo page and F-1 visa page. Make sure to check that your passport is not expired. On the other hand, it is ok that the expiration date on your visa has been passed as long as your duration of stay is D/S. You can check the duration of stay on the I-94 record which will be explained in the following section.

The visa works like a key to enter the United States which means, it should not be expired when you cross the border to enter the United States. However, as long as you are in the U.S. and have D/S (Duration of stay) which means you are allowed to stay in the United States until the end of the program end date, you are not accruing unlawful presence. Therefore, an expired F-1 visa will not negatively impact your OPT application.

5. I-94 record

One of the questions in the Form I-765 asks the Form I-94 Arrival-Departure Record Number. I-94 record shows when you entered the United States and how long you are allowed to stay in the country. As a supporting document, you should print the I-94 record and include it in the OPT packet.

6. Two identical color photos

I have had several students whose OPT application is rejected due to wrong sized photos. What is more, students who clipped the photo along with other documents were rejected as well because the clip distorted the photos. The bottom line appears that it is very important to take correctly sized photos and do not put anything on the front side of the photo to avoid any photo distortion. Below you will find the required photo size for OPT application:

  • 2 by 2 inches (51 mm * 51 mm)
  • The head must be between 1 to 1 3/8 inches (25 to 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head
  • Eyes must be between 1 1/8 to 1 3/8 inches (28.5 mm to 35mm) from the bottom of the photo to the top of your eyes
OPT photo requirements
OPT photo requirements

Although the head must be bare, the Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) delineates very limited circumstances (medical or
religious) when such coverings might be acceptable:

  • If you wear a hat or head covering for religious purposes, submit a signed statement that verifies that the hat or head covering in your photo is part of recognized, traditional religious attire that is customarily or required to be worn continuously in public.
  • If you wear a hat or head covering for medical purposes, submit a signed doctor’s statement verifying the hat or head covering in your photo is used daily for medical purposes.
  • Your full face must be visible and your hat or head covering cannot obscure your hairline or cast shadows on your face.

It is recommends to lightly write your name and SEVIS ID on the back of the photo using a pencil or felt pen.

7. Check or money order to pay the application fee

To pay the OPT application fee, you can write a check or money order. If you currently have a personal check, you can use that. If you don’t have a personal check but live near the bank that you have an account with, you can ask for a cashier’s check. Otherwise, go to places like the USPS where you can buy a money order.

It is worth noting that USCIS is increasing the fee starting October 2, 2020. If you apply for OPT before 10/2/2020, you can pay $410. If you are applying for OPT after 10/2/2020, you are required to pay $550. For more details, click the following related blog post.

Related blog post: USCIS fee increase; 2020 OPT fee increase by 34%

One of the important things to note when writing a check or money order is that you must make your check or money order payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, not USDHS. Below I added images of sample checks and money orders based on Check and Money Order Explained page from nyu.edu. If you are not familiar with how to make a check/money order, this will be a great resource for you to have.


Check for OPT application fee
Check for OPT application fee

USPS money order

USPS money order for OPT application fee
USPS money order for OPT application fee

Western Union money order

Western Union Money Order for OPT application
Western Union Money Order for OPT application

Moneygram money order

MoneyGram Money Order
MoneyGram Money Order for OPT application

All the OPT-related information and the most recent updates can be found on OPT page. For all the immigration benefits for F-1 visa holders, click the F-1 visa info page.

Be Savvies

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