Can I take classes during my OPT?

Can OPT or STEM OPT students take classes?

International students who would like to have some years of work experience before they go to masters or doctoral programs can find employment opportunities through OPT and STEM OPT. The problem is that they might find out later-after they graduate and while they are on OPT- that they need to take several classes to be eligible for graduate school programs. Now the question is would it be possible for OPT and STEM OPT students to take classes while they are on OPT?

Before we jump into this topic, please understand that studying while on OPT is one of those gray areas in immigration regulations. Therefore, this blog post will have a look at relevant regulations and provide guidelines for international students to make informed decisions.

Disclaimer: SEVIS SAVVY delivers information based on the visa/immigration regulations and this is no legal advice by any means. Since institutional policies may vary, getting confirmation from your international student advisor will be helpful to ensure that you comply with institutional policies and processes.


Case study scenario

Q: I am currently in my STEM OPT and I am planning to apply for graduate school when my STEM OPT period ends. While looking into requirements for graduate school, I realized that I need to take one or two courses in order to satisfy the prerequisite requirements. Can I, as a STEM OPT student, take several classes while I am on OPT?

The answer based on the regulation

There are two points that most OPT students are not aware of: OPT is automatically terminated when a student begins study at another educational level and when a student transfers to another school. For example, if a student who’s on OPT after bachelor’s program begins master’s program, thus I-20 is updated, she or he cannot participate in the OPT any longer and the EAD card will not be valid. In the same way, if a student transfers to another school for any reason, OPT and corresponding EAD will be automatically terminated and the student cannot engage in employment from the transfer date.

USCIS reminds F-1 students on Optional Practical Training (OPT) that transferring to another school or beginning study at another educational level (for example, beginning a master’s program after completing a bachelor’s degree) automatically terminates their OPT as well as their corresponding employment authorization document (EAD).

Automatic Termination of Optional Practical Training for F-1 Students If They Transfer to a Different School or Begin Study at Another Educational Level

Therefore, if you are planning to continue your study at different education levels or at different schools after OPT or STEM OPT, it is important to notify your school that you are on OPT so that they can update your I-20 on and after your OPT/ STEM OPT end date.

Additionally, the regulation permits OPT students taking “recreational and avocational” classes. Per this regulation, it can be assumed that OPT students can take classes part-time, as taking classes full-time is not considered “recreational” and the primary purpose of OPT students being in the United States should be to engage in the OPT training not to study.

Q. Can SEVP clarify whether a student on STEM OPT can enroll in classes during the OPT period? What level of academic study, if any, is permissible?

A: Per regulation, OPT is automatically terminated if a student begins study at another educational level. Recreational and avocational classes are permissible.

SEVP Special Report: STEM OPT Frequently Asked Questions

The bottom line appears that OPT and STEM OPT students can take classes part-time as long as they don’t intend to obtain a degree or certificate by taking those courses. In addition, if your OPT approval is based on the bachelor’s degree, it will be safer to take undergraduate courses to prevent your OPT from being terminated due to beginning study at another educational level.

Be Savvies

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