SVA changes its academic plan for Fall to online





根据SVA教务长 – Christopher J. Cyphers博士关于SVA重新开放计划的声明,SVA决定在线上授课这一点并不奇怪。纽约市的重新开放计划要求明确说明,如果纽约市的阳性率达到3%,学校应立即关闭。尽管目前的比率约为1%,但SVA认为,当城市重新开放学生回来时,很快就可以达到3%。此外,建筑物将被迫关闭如果至少两个人检测到阳性或有症状。鉴于纽约市是世界上多元化的城市之一,SVA认为重新开放的风险太大。


To protect itself against the further spread of the virus, New York began to require residents from states where the positivity rate exceeded 5% to quarantine in New York for 14 days. Initially, 13 U.S. states and territories were on the travel advisory list. Within less than two weeks, the list grew to 35 U.S. states and territories—added to that are the many individuals traveling to New York from many parts of the world.  

As part of New York City’s reopening plan for schools, several very strict provisions are included. First, if the city’s positivity rate (based on testing) hits 3%, schools must close immediately. The current positivity rate has been roughly 1%; it would not take much to reach the 3% threshold. Second, if as few as two individuals in a single building test positive for COVID-19 or are symptomatic, we would be forced to close that building for 14 days, and all those with whom the infected individuals may have come into contact would be required to quarantine for 14 days. Testing and the timely return of results are essential to maintaining a safe campus environment. At present, the return of test results is taking between seven to 10 days. To have members of our community, potentially infected with the virus, interacting with one another while they await test results is a recipe for disaster.





SVA重新开放的声明指出,他们的教师一直在准备在线课程。SVA的一名学生在Instagram上发表评论说:“你们在过去的三个月里都非常坚持面对面授课,现在却变成这样,所以我大老远的从自己的国家来美国是为了什么?最重要的是,学费截止日期是8月10日而学校是在8月12日发布网上授课公告?这有什么意义?。” 另一位学生也评论说:“在过去的三个月中,学校告诉我们,他们将确保秋季将进行面对面授课,这是骗局,是在骗我们的钱。”

另一名对学校的最新公告同样感到失望的学生评论说:“ SVA并不关心学生。他们只想着赚钱。”

The faculty have for well over a month been preparing their online classes, and there still remains six weeks until the start of the fall semester.




声明中提到的SVA教务长将免除学生的all departmental and course fees。SVA学生将收到来自“student account”的有关退款的电子邮件,但是,显然有些费用是学院无法弥补的,例如国际学生的机票。

Because all classes will be conducted online, the College will waive all departmental and course fees for all students for the fall 2020 semester.

Instagram post on SVA Reopening Plan on 8/12


由于SVA是一所艺术学校,因此工作室和实验室将对少数学生开放。此外,根据声明,“ SVA宿舍将保持开放状态,并将容纳数量有限的学生,这些学生必需极难或无法返回家中学习,国际学生也许可以留在学校宿舍。

Access to academic facilities, such as labs, studios, and makers’ spaces will be available on a limited and appointment-only basis, with priority given to seniors for whom access to facilities is necessary to complete theses and final projects.




新生/Initial status students

根据ICE的最新指南,新入学的SVA学生将不被允许来美国。此规则同样适用于拥有新I-20且因处于初始状态(initial status)的返校生。可以在下面的相关文章中找到更多详细信息。

相关阅读:ICE更新:新生 VS. 100%网课


自3月以来一直保持SEVIS记录活跃的在校学生,可以在美国停留期间进行100%的在线课程。请查看相关博客文章,以了解您的选择和考虑因素,例如OPT / CPT资格。


SVA ISSS office’s Instagram post for international students in response to updated announcement 8/12

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