The best way to track OPT/STEM OPT case status

The best way to track OPT/STEM OPT case status

Update: As of October 2023, the app is only available for iOS phones (iPhones). This post will be updated when the app is available for Android phones as well.

According to the 2022 SEVP annual report, there were about 117,301 international students who got EAD for pre-OPT and post-OPT. That’s a lot of numbers, right?

This means that it is not only international students’ interest to get updates on their OPT applications but also USCIS’s interest to update applicants so they don’t get inquiries from around 100K OPT applicants!

In this light, USCIS launched an app where students can track their status and recently, they added a new feature called “myProgress” to get details about the application.

In this blog post, I will provide the easiest, most convenient, and most accurate way to check OPT updates from USCIS without having to reach out to them as well as a way to confirm if you are eligible to reach out to USCIS due to the delay.

myProgress provides applicants with access, in their online account, to personalized estimates of their wait time for major milestones on their case, including their final case decision. While estimates are based on historical patterns of cases with similar specifics, they are not a guarantee of speed, cannot take into consideration all possible unique application processing delays, and may over- or underestimate the true processing time.

USCIS Expands myProgress to Form I-765 and Form I-131



OPT or STEM OPT applicants’ best interests will be tracking the OPT/STEM OPT case status. The best way to do this is to download the app named “Case Tracker for USCIS.” Click each link below to download the app:

Case Tracker for USCIS in App Store
Case Tracker for USCIS in Google Play

Once the app is successfully downloaded to your phone, you can open the app and “Add Case” by entering the USCIS receipt number. The app doesn’t require you to log in using MyUSCIS credentials and all you need is the USCIS receipt number.

Now OPT/STEM OPT applicants might be wondering what is the USCIS receipt number.

If you submitted the online I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, you will be given the receipt number which is a 13-character identifier once you click the submit button. Students are advised to make a note of this case number or log into MyUSCIS to check the receipt number.

Applicants who filed the paper I-765 application would have to wait until they receive a paper mail from USCIS which is usually I-797, Notice of Action and that mail contains the receipt number.

I have anecdotal evidence that students who filed online applications get their case updates faster than paper applicants.

Therefore, with other many reasons, I would personally recommend the online application as students don’t have to wait too long to receive the receipt number.

Go to the following related blog posts to learn how to create the MyUSCIS account and how to complete the Form I-765 online application:

Related blog post 1: Step by step guide to create the USCIS account for OPT online application
Related blog post 2: How to file Form I-765 online for OPT, STEM OPT

Receipt numbers usually start with three alphabets followed by 10 numbers. OPT and STEM OPT applicants who filed the application before 2021 used to have the receipt number that starts with YSC and since 2021, students are provided receipt numbers that start with IOE.

Once applicants provide the receipt number and “set a friendly name” which they can write “OPT” or “STEM OPT,” it will take no more than 3 seconds to see the case update. Case updates include:

  • Case was approved
  • (the) Card is being produced
  • (the) Card was picked up by the United States Postal Service
  • (the) Card was delivered to me by the post office
  • Request for initial evidence was sent
  • Request for additional evidence was sent
  • Case rejected because…(reasons)

For students whose case update is a biometric appointment needs to be scheduled, check the related blog post below to learn what to do:

Related blog post: Biometrics requests for OPT/STEM OPT?

When the Employment Authorization Document (EAD) card is on the way to you, you can even check the tracking number which will allow you to track the delivery status as well. Students can search USPS Tracking and enter the tracking number to track the delivery status.

This blog post had a look at what’s the best way to track OPT/STEM OPT case status for international students who applied for OPT/ STEM OPT. I will share an example to show you how effective it is to check the OPT/STEM OPT case status using the app.

I had a student who applied for OPT using the online application and then received a paper mail from USCIS that says USCIS received the application.

On the same day, the same student was able to check the most recent update on the case which is “Card is being produced” as the Form i-765 was approved. In short, even before the student receives the paper mail that says USCIS received the application, the student was able to check that the application was approved by using the app.

Therefore, international students who applied for OPT/STEM OPT are strongly encouraged to download the app to track their cases. Students who would like to know how long it usually takes to hear back from USCIS after the application submission can go to OPT/STEM OPT Forum.

Students who checked their status through the app should take further steps to comply with immigration rules regarding the OPT and STEM OPT. Click each link to learn more.

myProgress by USCIS

Case tracker allowed you to track your OPT/STEM OPT case but you may want to know how long it would take for you to hear back from USCIS! The estimated wait time can be checked by going to myProgress which is the most recent feature that USCIS offers.

In order to access myProgress, you need a MyUSCIS account. To learn how to create a MyUSCIS account, click the following blog post:

Related blog post: Step by step guide to create the USCIS account for OPT online application

According to the USCIS announcement, “the myProgress tab displays the estimated wait time until their case has a decision, along with a checkmark beside three milestones as they are completed:”

  • Confirmation that the application was received;
  • Biometric services appointment (if required) has been completed; and
  • The decision on the pending case.

Now it is worth noting that OPT/STEM OPT applicants are not subject to biometric completion. When USCIS just rolled out the myProgress, some OPT applicants could see that the biometrics need to be done and that it would take 5 months from there but it turned out to be a glitch.

3 milestones from myProgress

If the biometric requirement doesn’t go away after a while, refer to the following post to learn how to fix the issue.

Related blog post: Biometrics requests for OPT/STEM OPT?

What to do when your OPT/EAD processing is delayed

As many international students already know, students are advised to visit the Check Case Processing Times webpage to see the current wait/review time for OPT/STEM OPT application, Form I-765.

By going to the page, you will be able to see if you are eligible to reach out to USCIS to file an Outside of Normal Processing Times service request.

If it is taking the normal processing time, you would have to wait. I know it sucks to wait until you receive an EAD card so if you haven’t applied for OPT/ STEM OPT yet, make sure to do it as soon as you are eligible to apply for OPT/ STEM OPT.

Related blog post 1: What happens if I apply for OPT late? 5 big advantages
Related blog post 2: Best OPT start date: remember the 90, 60, 30 rules
Related blog post 3: STEM OPT eligibility, process, required documents

Be Savvies

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