Trump rescinded the rule

ICE rule on international students is rescinded

Trump Administration finally dropped the ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) rule on international students that was announced a week before (the 6th of July). ICE’s SEVP updates required international students to leave the United States or transfer to different institutions if students are enrolled in colleges which only offers online courses. Harvard and MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) along with 8 federal lawsuits accused ICE of how the update is unlawful, how it dose not recognize the seriousness of the corona virus and how it does not correspond with former guidelines which allow students to take online courses. Federal immigration officials argued back at the hearing that it is consistent with their basic regulation which prohibits students from taking 100% online classes. They added that earlier policy updates were showing their leniency for F visa holder students to maintain their immigration status although they had to go back to their home countries due to COVID-19. Anyway, U.S. District Judge Allison D. Burroughs said that federal immigration officials had agreed to rescinded the rule and “return to the status quo.”

Against the decision, one of the immigration hawks, Mark Krikorian tweeted “Sir Donald” had “bravely turned his tail and fled” from the fight. Additionally, in the interview with Los Angeles Times, Mark Krikorian said “If Harvard wants to educate foreign students online exclusively, why do they need to come here?” It sounds like he doesn’t understand at all about how complicated the situation is and can be due to the July 6th SEVP update.

Mark Krikorian

Anyway, the decision has been made and most of international students must have been very relieved by the news that ICE rule on international students is rescinded. This shows why Harvard and MIT universities are top prestigious colleges in the United States. They filed the lawsuit two days later after SEVP released the update and they made sure that they are going to fight with international students. Harvard and MIT are heroes not only for international students who are enrolled in Harvard and MIT, but also for all international students in the United States. It is also worth to mention that around 60 colleges and universities across the United States who joined the unity for international education have helped to push back the policy changes.

Before I wrap up, pasted below is the list of defendants and what Harvard – MIT asked for in the lawsuit. As you can see, Chad Wolf, who has proposed anti-immigration policies, is accused and Harvard-MIT wanted to have defendants to cover the fees. Small things but fun to know:

A list of 4 defendants:

  1. United States Department of Homeland Security
  2. United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement is a division of the United States Department of Homeland Security
  3. Chad F. Wolf, who is the Acting Secretary of the United States Department of Homeland Security
  4. Matthew Albence, who is the Acting Director of United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement

A list of what Harvard-MIT asked for:

  1. A temporary restraining order and preliminary and permanent injunctive relief preventing Defendants from enforcing the policy announced in ICE’s July 6 Directive, or promulgating it as a Final Rule;
  2. An order vacating and setting aside the policy announced in the July 6 Directive and reinstating the March 13 Guidance;
  3. A declaration that the policy announced in the July 6 Directive is unlawful; 
  4. An order awarding Plaintiffs their costs and attorney’s fees; and
  5. Any and all other such relief as the Court may deem appropriate. 

Be Savvies

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