Biometrics requests for OPT/STEM OPT?

Biometrics requests for OPT/STEM OPT?

An international student who applied for the OPT program left comments on SEVIS SAVVY Instagram (@sevissavvy) regarding the biometric services appointment. For readers who are not familiar with biometrics, USCIS requires scheduling biometric services appointments to provide fingerprints, photographs, and/or signatures for certain types of immigration benefits such as Green Card (permanent residency).

In most cases, OPT applicants are not subject to schedule biometric services appointments. But what if you received the I-797C OPT receipt notice and it says you are required to schedule the biometric service appointment? This post will give you a practical guide as to request cancellation of any biometric appointment requests. If you have received Form I-797C with biometric services requests, read this post carefully and follow the guideline to resolve the issue.

After you file your application, petition, or request, we will schedule your biometric services appointment at a local application support center (ASC) if you need to provide your fingerprints, photograph, and/or signature. We have the general authority to require and collect biometrics from any applicant, petitioner, sponsor, beneficiary, or other individual residing in the United States for any immigration and naturalization benefit. See 8 CFR 103.2 (b)(9).

Your appointment notice (Form I-797C, Notice of Action) will include the date, time, and location for your ASC appointment. The biometrics you provide during your ASC appointment allow us to confirm your identity and run required background and security checks. 

Preparing for Your Biometric Services Appointment

Disclaimer: SEVIS SAVVY delivers information based on the visa/immigration regulations and this is no legal advice by any means. Since institutional policies may vary, getting confirmation from your international student advisor will be helpful to ensure that you comply with institutional policies and processes.


Case study scenario

Q: I just received a mail from USCIS and it says that I need to do biometrics at the end of this month for my OPT. Why do I need biometrics for my OPT?

The answer based on the regulation

OPT students who are told to schedule the biometric service appointment can reach out to their DSOs (a.k.a. International Student advisors) asking for assistance. Then, DSOs can reach out to the Potomac Service Center and request the cancellation of any biometrics appointment requests on behalf of the student. Please note that students cannot directly reach out to the Potomac Service Center. All the requests should go through DSOs.

In the email subject line, it is recommended to include the student’s first and last name along with the I-797 receipt number (Refer to this article to learn how to check the reference number). The email to Potomac Service Center should include the following information:

  • Student last name
  • Student first name
  • Student date of birth
  • I-797 Receipt number (Refer to this article to learn how to check the reference number)
  • The address used for OPT application (U.S. mailing address that you wrote on Form I-765)
  • Description of case & request to Potomac

Therefore, when you reach out to your DSOs, make sure you include above information so that he or she can easily draft the email and send it out to Potomac Service Center.

This post offers a step-by-step guide to cancel the biometric service appointment request and information that needs to be included in the email. Again, the request to Potomac Service Center should be sent by DSO. Therefore, reaching out to your DSO is the first step and when you do so, make sure to include the required information.

All the case study cases regarding the OPT can be found on the Case Study page. All OPT regulations, news, and updates can be found on CPT/OPT page.

Be Savvies

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