


相关阅读1: 2020秋季F1全面网课将不能进入美国 相关阅读2: SEVP在线课程政策和F学生常见问题




  1. 美国国土安全部
  2. 美国移民和海关执法局(美国国土安全部的一个部门)
  3. 乍得·沃尔夫(Chad F. Wolf),美国国土安全部代理秘书
  4. 马修·阿尔本斯(Matthew Albence),美国移民与海关执法局局长

哈佛大学和麻省理工学院强调在疫情期间确保公众安全的重要性,以及ICE如何无法承认其对波士顿美国地方法院提起的诉讼的重视程度。由于禁止国际学生参加在疫情期间仅提供在线课程的大学,加州大学还敦促ICE没有遵循《行政程序法》,也没有考虑大学和学生的信赖利益。 同样,哈佛大学和麻省理工学院也提出了以下要求:

  1. 临时限制令以及初步和永久禁令,阻止被告执行ICE 于7月6日宣布的政策,或将其颁布为最终法规;
  2. 撤消并搁置7月6日指令中宣布的政策并恢复3月13日指南的命令;
  3. 声明7月6日指令中宣布的政策是非法的; 
  4. 判给原告其费用和律师费;和
  5. 法院认为适当的任何其他所有此类救济。
Havard-MIT Complaint for Declaratory and Injuctive Relief


The announcement disrupts our international students’ lives and jeopardizes their academic and research pursuits. ICE is unable to offer the most basic answers about how its policy will be interpreted or implemented. And the guidance comes after many US colleges and universities either released or are readying their final decisions for the fall – decisions designed to advance their educational mission and protect the health and safety of their communities.

Our international students now have many questions – about their visas, their health, their families and their ability to continue working toward an MIT degree. Unspoken, but unmistakable, is one more question: Am I welcome?

At MIT, the answer, unequivocally, is yes.

MIT President L. Rafael Reif from MIT action in response to new ICE rule on online learning


MIT 校长 L. Rafael Reif from MIT action in response to new ICE rule on online learning

“It is illegal, unnecessary and callous,” “UC will fight this blatant disregard for the law and public health with all the legal means at our disposal.”

University of California President Janet Napolitano in UC poised to sue federal government over new visa policy for international students

“这是非法的,不必要的和残酷的,”“ 加州大学将通过我们掌握的所有合法手段来对抗这种公然无视法律和公共卫生的行为。”

加州大学校长 Janet Napolitano in UC poised to sue federal government over new visa policy for international students

“Immediately after the Fourth of July weekend, ICE threw Harvard and MIT— indeed, virtually all of higher education in the United States—into chaos,” (ICE’s action) “leaves hundreds of thousands of international students with no educational options within the United States


“在7月4日之后,ICE使哈佛和麻省理工学院,实际上是美国的所有高等教育都陷入了混乱,” “ 导致数十万国际学生在美国境内没有任何教育选择。 “



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Brown is joining with a number of peer colleges and universities in opposing a new federal policy that will prohibit international students from returning to or remaining in the United States if their colleges adopt online-only instruction for Fall 2020 or if students choose online-only instruction. The University will file an amicus brief in support of the legal action taken by @Harvard and @mitpics to seek a temporary restraining order to block the implementation of the new federal guidance on the Student and Exchange Visitor Program. Calling the policy “nothing short of cruel” in a message to the campus community, President Christina H. Paxson said it came “at a time when every student, regardless of their country of origin, should benefit from the maximum level of flexibility to pursue their studies in a manner that they or their institutions decide has the highest capacity to support their health and safety.” The brief is expected to be filed with the federal court on Monday, July 13. See link in bio for more information.

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University of Minnesota President Gabel today: ““Our planned hybrid teaching model this fall supports both in-person and online courses, which should reduce the impact of ICE’s decision on our nearly 6,200 international students systemwide,” Gabel said. “However, we cannot stand by in good conscience as international students are forced out of the country through no fault of their own. Educational institutions across the country are offering expanded online learning opportunities to comply with the public health advice given by another federal agency—the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—to reduce large gatherings, promote physical distancing and take other precautions to minimize the spread and impact of COVID-19. “We stand with our international students, and international students across the country, in asking that the ICE directive be overturned immediately,” Gabel said.” #globalgophers #umnproud

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Boston University will support two lawsuits and congressional action to fight new federal immigration guidance requiring international students with F-1 visas to leave the US, or transfer to another school, if their university is offering only remote instruction in the fall. BU President Robert A. Brown has directed University officials to join an amicus brief being filed in support of a lawsuit brought by Harvard and MIT against the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) policy by filing an amicus brief in federal district court to enjoin the rules from going into effect. In addition, he has instructed BU lawyers to provide support and evidence to Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey as she files a lawsuit in US District Court next week to prevent ICE from enacting the new guidelines.   “The new policy is counterproductive, damaging to the progress of international students who fuel the strength of our national research universities, and xenophobic,” says Jean Morrison, BU provost and chief academic officer. “It should be reversed.” Click the link in our bio for more info.

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