ICE released new guideline taking 100% online courses outside of the U.S.



相关阅读:ICE更新:新生 VS. 100%网课

ICE更新摘要:ICE允许当前学生参加100%的在线课程。鉴于此,在籍学生在祖国参加100%远程教学仍可以维持他们的SEVIS记录并且5个月规则将不会适用于他们。学生打算在祖国参加partner university的项目时应在SEVIS上标记“Study Aboard”。





Maintaining student records

  1. Do DSOs have to cancel Forms I-20 if students are taking classes outside of the United States? If their Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) records remain in Active status, will students be subject to the five-month rule?

A. If an Active F student is outside the United States, their SEVIS record can remain in Active status and not be terminated. While the temporary measures related to COVID-19 are in place, students are deemed to be maintaining status if they are making normal progress in their course of study. For that reason, the five-month temporary absence provision addressed in 8 C.F.R. 214.2(f)(4) will not apply for students who remain in Active status.

SEVP will allow F and M students to temporarily count online classes toward a full course of study in excess of the limits stated in 8 CFR 214.2(f)(6)(i)(G) and 8 CFR 214.2(m)(9)(v), even if they are outside the United States and are taking the online classes elsewhere. This temporary provision is only in effect due to COVID-19 and only for schools that comply with the requirement to notify SEVP of any procedural changes within 10 business days.

 Frequently Asked Questions for SEVP Stakeholders about COVID-19

在祖国参加Partner University

那么学生不是从美国本国大学上课而是从本国一所合作大学上课的话会怎么样呢?因为由于时差,国际学生很难同步在线课程。如果您的大学与您所在国家/地区的一些大学建立了合作伙伴关系,那么您可以与您的顾问联系,以了解适合您的选择。对于从合作院校完成学习课程的学生,其SEVIS记录应标有“study aborad”。换句话说,在祖国参加在线课程的学生不必在SEVIS中标记为“study aborad”,除非他们正在海外机构参加合作课程。之前的ICE版本说在祖国上课的学生应该在SEVIS上写:“ 由于COVID-19,因此在境外。“(Outside the United States due to COVID-19

Should DSOs mark the “Study Abroad” field in SEVIS for students who are outside the United States and are in Active status, engaging in online studies from their home country?

A. Schools should not mark “Study Abroad” in SEVIS for students who are in their home countries unless they are attending an overseas institution as part of a formal study abroad arrangement.

 Frequently Asked Questions for SEVP Stakeholders about COVID-19

与新入学和初始身份的学生相比,ICE指南对于当前的学生而言更加灵活。如果自上学期以来保持良好的SEVIS记录(换句话说,如果您已完成2020年春季学期),则可以注册任意数量的在线课程。而且,只要在校生能够确保完成完整的课程,2020秋季将被计入申请OPT / CPT的一个学年要求

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